January 07, 2008
Things Wee Says

While watching Alton Brown make tzatziki sauce on Good Eats:

Me: There are a bunch of places to get Greek yogurt around here.
Wee: Made with the milk of 70 virgins!
Me: Um.
Wee: OK. That's not true at all.
Me: Really.
Wee: (Pause.) And I guess virgins don't have milk.

Posted by tess at 09:59 PM
January 06, 2008
Things Wee Says

Me (from hallway outside of Bill's office): I wonder where I put the ornament box?
Bill: Man moves a dog's face with a banana patch!
Me: .....?
Bill: Perhaps you put it back in the garage.

Posted by tess at 01:59 PM
December 15, 2007
Things Wee Says

The other day Bill brought home from work two of the tiniest apples I've ever seen. He's been bugging me to eat them, but I want to take pictures of them first. This morning we were discussing their cuteness again, and I started sniffing one.

"What are you doing?"

"Smelling it."

"That's not going to work. They don't smell until you bite them." Pause. "Like puppies."

Posted by tess at 10:32 AM