I wanna shoot TJ!

Turns out that William Shatner is going to be leading a team in the "world's largest paintball game." My favorite quote from the article:

"I suggested to the guys running the game that I wanted to lead like a leader, right up front," he says. "And then they did the mathematics for me. There are 2,000 people minimum, hopefully more, so that means approximately 1,400 people are all trying to shoot me. Because, like a prize elk, they want my antlers on their wall. Multiply 20 or 30 paintballs a second times 1,400, and that's how many are coming my way. You know, leading at front may not be the best idea."
I couldn't possibly express in words alone how badly I'd like to sneak up behind Shatner and shoot him in the back of the neck.

Although he's like a year older than my dad. I don't know how I feel about plugging an older guy. It doesn't seem all that fair or sportsmanlike. Still, it'd be awfully nice to make him duck a lot, or maybe just wing him in the leg or something.

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