I added a new (replaced an old) feature to the site. You may have noticed to the right is a new content box. This box has a list of the top search terms people used which led them here. For example, if someone searches for (which is almost a Googlewhack, BTW), then they wind up at this site if they click the link on the results page. (There I go, skewing the results...) Get it? People search for something, find a link to our site, click that link and come here. I see their search terms in our log files.
How did this "feature" come about? Well, search engines have always fascinated me. I always thought there was a lot of unseen data in search engines. So I was thinking about the logs for this site one day and thought that a good way to get a third-hand view of the site would be to see what people were searching for when they found us. Pretty soon, Tess and I found ourselves continuously amused by the referrer links we get from Google (even my all-too-common typos, which are apprently common for other people as well). In fact, I'd say the greatest joy we've had out of doing this site is checking the referrer logs for new search terms that sent people our way. We've had some real howlers. People have searched for some supremely odd things and found this site. Interestingly, not all of the search terms are completely wholesome, even though Tess and I rarely swear much online.
(I guess this is a good a place as any for the disclaimer: other people entered every single word in the search term rankings box I make, not us. We had nothing to do with it; we aren't in the habit of searching for our own web site. I simply found the words in our log files. So if you see a bad word, then don't look at it, OK?)But it's been fun to guess what people were looking for even when it hasn't been fornicating NASCAR chicas. I don't think think anyone has every found their query quarry by coming here, yet we've had quite a large number of people stay and check out lots of pages.