Lists of lists are where its at

Lately, everything has been on a list. Seriously, since my dad went into the hospital (for what we thought was the last time), I've been thinking that there's a lot of things that I want to do. And so I thought that maybe I should make and then keep a list.

Trouble is, just one list won't do. I need one list which has as its members pointers to other lists. I want to have one list which has things like "Work - Do by Tomorrow" and "Work - Learn" and "Tracy" and "Home - Outside" and "Home - Immediate" and "Learning" and "Garage Projects" and "DVDs to Buy" and any other item on it. Then I want each of those items to be either a single bullet point, action item, to-do type thing, or I want it to open up a sub-list.

I only want to go one list deep, and I don't care if the list items tie into a calendar or whatever. I don't care about dependancy trees or action items. I just want to sort items in each sub-list, not in the master list. Basically, I want a way to group my lists. And I want to have any number of lists, with any number of items. I want to recurse one level deep. Oh yeah, I want it on my desktop (via the web is preferrable) and on my Palm.

So I'm going to have to write something. Every Palm list app I can find is geared towards sales people. Screw those guys. "Close two deals this week" and "Get tee time for some asinine golf thing" and "Buy hair gel" and "Go to sports bar" and "Cheat on bleach-blond lap-monkey of a girlfriend with another superficial trollop at work" aren't real high on my list since each app I've seen demands that these items be ordered via a Windows GUI which ties into Outlook. For a one-dimensional sales/marketing type, that would be fine. But I need at least one level of depth. I need steak, not sizzle (I stole that phrase from a sales guy who was trying to get me to promise, and then do, the impossible so he could whore the company out for more cash -- and therefore secure his retirement).

So I have to write a Palm app that makes the lists I want. And I'm going to put that on my list.

Hardy har har. You're pretty farking funny, man.

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