I love numbers, I hate typing

For some reason I can't explain, I find discussions about numbers fascinating. I already knew all that yet I still read the entire thing, and even made some number doodles of the examples on my notepad.

In other news, my right wrist hurts badly and I can't feel either the pinkie or ring fingers on my right hand; they are tingly and numb. If I can't type, I'm going to be in a serious world of hurt, both literally and figuratively. There's a reason I gave up rock climbing and other physical activities involving hands: all my future and present wealth and vitality is predicated on the notion that I will have at least passing dexterity in at least four fingers and one thumb. I've broken every digit I have (that includes toes), and most (all but two, I think) on my hands more than once. My left thumb has been broken three times, for example, once with protruding bone. If I had known how much I'd rely on my hands (as opposed/in addition to my mind) when I was younger, I'd have likely done safer things, or forgone the occasional physical experiment.

Anyway, I decided to write about it. Now that's funny...

Comments for: I love numbers, I hate typing

i hate typing its just to i dont no but i just wish there were numbers that represented love n words like 143-love 3-thinking of you. you no what i mean

Posted by mayra at December 14, 2002 6:50 AM

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