Red Hat 7.3 is out and installed

Red Hat 7.3 came out yesterday. I pulled down the ISOs last night. Today between bouts of napping, I mounted them via the loopback, made some symlinks under the web root and got ready to install. I hit a minor snag, though: the floppy drive in my main machine has been acting funky for a while (how long? I have no idea since I never use floppies), so used my Windows laptop to make the boot image floppy. RH7.3 comes with a funky Win32-based GUI image writer utility now called rawwritewin.exe. I'd never heard of it before, but I guess it's been out for a while. It's kind of a nifty little app.

Anyway, I installed over the network, picked through the packages carefully (I noticed that things like Namazu are included now, which is cool). Then I noticed that KNewsTicker was listed. And then I remembered that one of the developers emailed me and said he was going to include my stock quote grabber script in the next version of the news ticker applet. So I had to go look for it.

Sure enough, the file at /usr/share/apps/knewsticker/scripts/ is my script (with his changes, although I'd say about 90% of it is still stuff I typed).

I know it's corny, and just a little perl script, but it was kinda cool to install Red Hat and have "software" I'd written come with it. It made me smile a little bit (and want to get back on the horse of making some improvements to that 25 month old script). Yeah, I said it's cheesy. So sue me... :-)

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