New stuff

Seems like I've been sick in the past six months more than the past 6 years. I'm at home again. This time, I caught it from a dealer in Las Vegas. She was sneezing all over the cards and such. It was nasty. So I'm at home.

I redid the site here. Makes it handier to add new stuff. I'm going to be playing with RSS and RDF stuff at work, so I changed this around so I can play with it at home. And if you're thinking that the site now looks like Freshmeat or Slashdot, then you'd be partially right. Those sites are completely dynamic, and they use RDF/RSS extensively. These little boxes are self-contained tables which roughly translate to RSS entries. You get each entry in an RSS file, parse through it, and make the table header, body, etc. The design lends itself to RSS use very well. I'm sure there are a million great designs one could come up with. I'm just lazy. This design involved no art whatsoever -- everything is html (except for the background image, which I stole right from the monkey's belly on the front page).

I guess the "little table with borders for each bit of content" design is a natural extension of the way disparate pieces of information come together programmatically. And I'm lazy.

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