I found this site which has various movie scripts. Probably my most favorite movie (by at least one measure: I've seen it far and away more than any other movie) is Aliens. I remember walking out of the the Cine Capri theater in Phoenix just completely mind-bended. I've always been into movies, and even dressed up as a few of them on dress-up occasions, but I've never felt a movie like that one. I was scared shitless throughout most of it, for one.
I saw Jaws when I was 8 years old, and that freaked me -- but seeing Aliens when you're 19 (and seeing it in a super monster theater like the Cine Capri) makes you feel it as well as think it I guess. Maybe I got more analytical as I got older. Maybe I was young enough to be dumb enough to join a branch of service when a war wasn't on, but also smart enough to analyze the hell out of everything. Show me a 19 year old who was an honor student, a sci-fi geek, a quasi gun-nut, and a fan of JFA and not able to readily internalize Aliens and I'll show you a politician that thinks he telling the truth. "Yes, we have lots of blankets for your people so you can stay warm in your new homelands up north..."
Anyway, I dug the movie. It was a movie for me and I was there at the right time and place to enjoy it. Some people have "Annie Hall" or "Breakfast at Tiffany's" or "High Noon". Or even, god forbid, "Breaking Away". And I have "Aliens". So sue me.
So anyway2, I happened across a site with movie scripts. And they had the script for Aliens. And I read it. And I liked it. And I want to write a script of my own, except I don't think I'd be all that great a screenwriter. I write like I think, which is hardly ever good. But since nobody has to read this except me, then I'm happy if you're happy. There's always sed or `perl -pi -e 's/bad/good/' online_post.txt` if I don't like what I have down...