I hate Halloween

Honestly, I can't stand it. Maybe it's because I don't like it when the doorbell rings. The doorbell is like fingernails on a chalkboard for me; I can't stand hearing it. The phone can be the same way sometimes. Like now, when I'm working and trying to concentrate and just want nothing but to be left alone in silence.

Maybe it's the repetitiveness of it. The doorbell rings, the dog barks/growls for like 5 minutes. It's all quiet until the bell rings and then there's this loud barking and running and howling -- for NO REASON AT ALL. She doesn't need to bark. But there no way to tell her that. Then it rings again, as if one annoyance won't make you interrupt what you're doing, but two or more will. Worse even still is when they let the kids ring the doorbell. They ring it, and they ring it, and they ring it, and they ring it, and they ring it, and they ring it. It's bothering you and it just... won't... stop. It brings out a primal "hit it until it goes away" feeling in me. I hardly ever shout and I'm extremely nice to my dog, except when the the doorbell rings.

Having said all that, I can say I'm nowhere near as bad as this guy. That's just not right. It's one thing to dislike the doorbell, but another thing to perforate your front door and injure people.

Maybe it's my general dislike for strangers. I can't imagine a type of person worse than those who actually walk up to people's doors and try to sell them things. The ones that try to foist pamphelets and shit on you in the mall are pretty bad, but at least you can escape them at home. People coming to your door on Halloween is like people selling you stuff, except trick-or-treaters bother you because they want stuff from you. Bottom line: if you don't know me, then leave me alone -- don't call, don't come over, don't bother me. Even on Halloween. Especially on Halloween.

I'd like Halloween much better if I could just leave a bucket of candy outside with a note saying "Take a couple, just leave me the hell alone."

Anyway, I turned out all the lights downstairs, and locked the door. I think they can hear me yelling at the dog to shut up, though...

Comments for: I hate Halloween

Sadly, I came home shortly after this, and since I am all about throwing down the snack items for cute little kids in costumes, the door and dog action kept poor Wee tormented for a couple more hours. We didn't get as many visits as last year, though, so hopefully there was some consolation in that... =)

Posted by Tess at November 1, 2002 1:20 PM

Hey Uncle Bill, hows it going. I just wanted you to see this site thats all about "All Your Base are Belong To us". I first saw that phrase on this site, and since then i've seen it all over the place. Keep up the good blogging. Bye.


Posted by Andy (yeah, your nephew) at November 1, 2002 1:35 PM

Well, I don't mind it if there's someone (besides me) to get the door. As long as I know it won't be the constant cycle of ringing/howling/barking/ringing/running/jumping/ringing/growling/ringing, then I'm cool with it. But to be there alone responsible for shutting up the dog and making the kids go away as fast as possible, that's torture. That feeling of "you know as soon as it gets quiet it'll start again" makes it impossible for me to think. Of course, a stiff drink or three does wonders to ease my apprehension (and also prevents me from thinking, but life is a series of tradeoffs).

Hey Andy! Nice to hear from you! I'll check those links out later, yo. :-)

Posted by wee at November 1, 2002 2:30 PM

Did my Andy write the above comment? WHat language is he speaking, fer Chrissakes??

Bill, you should have been at our place last night. The doorbell rang three times. And I bought three bags of frickin' candy. The last visitors got half a bag each. Guess the kids in this neighborhood go to better neighborhoods for their loot, the little ingrates...

Posted by suzi at November 1, 2002 11:03 PM

You did turn off your porch lights when you didn't want people ringing the doorbell on Halloween, right wee?

Posted by Miguelito at November 4, 2002 10:24 AM

Yeah, Mig, I had every light in the house off, except for the one in my office. I was full-on Howard Hughes, man. I don't know how many people were turned away by dimness, so I can't gauge a dark house's effectiveness. Next year, I'll install in IR sensor or something.

Posted by wee at November 4, 2002 1:13 PM

Man, need to school the people in your neighborhood on Halloween etiquette man... Porch lights off are supposed to mean no candy here.

Posted by Miguelito at November 4, 2002 2:58 PM

Yeah, our total number of wee beggars was down from last year too. I wonder if people just aren't letting their kids roam the streets on H-Night like they used to? That would be sad. I'd still go trick or treating if I thought I could fool anyone into thinking I was 12... heh

Posted by Tess at November 5, 2002 9:09 AM

May the ghosts of all hallows eve haunt you every Halloween night!

Posted by Bob at September 29, 2003 3:36 PM

Sigh...another pointless website taking up valuable megabytes on the internet. Btw, are you ppl all German?

Posted by Commie at October 15, 2003 7:16 PM

"valuable megabytes on the internet"?!?

Valuable? To friggin' funny, man!

Posted by wee at October 15, 2003 11:16 PM

hey, mr. author, is there away way you can post a list of halloween etiquette? i would really appreciate for my speech.

Posted by Cal[M] at October 17, 2003 1:40 PM

I don't like halloween either. I'm a teenager...I'm not super religious so it's nothing to do with the "devil issue". I just don't like it. It's all about greed. I totally see where you're coming from. I do agree though that the guy that shot those poor kids needs to take a chill pill. Seriously...I don't dislike it THAT much.

Posted by Laurie at October 31, 2003 11:54 AM

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