London PIcs Are Online

The pictures from our London trip are online. We have pictures from four different days:

- 11-25-02
- 11-27-02
- 11-28-02
- 11-30-02

Note that the pictures might not have all been taken on those days. The dates are merely when we dumped the images form our camera to the laptop. Well, we usually copied pics at night, so all the events happened on or before the date on the web pages.

Also, you might notice George and Perky the travel bug in quite a few pics. They had many adventures around London and are going to get their own page real soon, so stay tuned.

Comments for: London PIcs Are Online

Dude... EXIM data. There're perl modules out there that'll read that data from the pic for you. That should include the date the pic was taken (along with a ton of other crap). Unless your cam really sucks.. which I doubt. :)

Posted by Miguelito at December 4, 2002 4:23 PM

Yeah, I've been poking at images with Perl for a while now (the thumbnail pages is from a script I wrote). Trouble is, these pictures were all from 1998. January first, shortly after midnight, to be exact.

The cam sucks. I need a better one at some point.

Posted by wee at December 4, 2002 4:42 PM

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