Resize a bunch of images easily

I came across a really easy way to resize a bunch of images in one shot:

mkdir reduced
for i in *.jpg; do convert -resize 640x480 $i reduced/$i; done;

That'll take care of a lot grunt work all at once. It's pretty fast as well.

I also learned another cool trick last night. It's apparently pretty easy to make thumbnails (or resized images, as above) with Windows XP. You need to install the Image Resizer app from MS's XP Powertoys package. Then do the following:

  1. Go to the folder
  2. Highlight the files you want to reduce
  3. Right-click and choose Resize
  4. Pick a size (or use the custom button to pick your own) and click OK.

I'm going to install this on Tess's PC and see how she likes it.

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