I wanted to write letters from exile...

I tried to register the username 'galileo', without any hesitation or forethought at all. I'm nearly positive that the mere attempt was offsides in some way. I could have picked bruno, but I figured that "letters from exile" worked better as a metaphorical device than "letters from a guy who got burned at the stake for trying to learn shit". I don't know... astronomy has never been my strong suit and seems, historically at least, to be something of a touchy subject.

Comments for: I wanted to write letters from exile...

Oh my! Too funny (and also too potentially dangerous). I'm just not sure if my poor addled stomach is up for it... But hell with it - I'll just take wee sips. One ought to show props to the President in whatever way one finds fitting, and this is just too appropo (especially given the likely content of the speech itself, which I'm sure will be in itself enough to drive any intelligent citizen to drink...). Cheers! =)

Posted by Tess at January 28, 2003 11:42 AM

haha, you said 'wee sips'


cough cough...damnit, smoke break! :)

Posted by toddler at January 28, 2003 2:43 PM

Naughty Toddler with your innuendos...! heh

Speaking of Wee, he pointed out that I posted this comment to the wrong entry... oops. What a ditzy broad... =)

Posted by Tess at January 29, 2003 12:59 PM

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