Let Google do your hacking

Check out this Wired article. Apparently people have been using Google to find common search terms as a vulnerability indicator. No big deal, right? We've all done some grey hat googling. Well, try .

The first result link you get is for a Cumberland County Tax Assessment Database. Now click on the database to view. Then in the "House_Number" field, select "greater than or equals" and put the number 1 in the box next to it. You get a database search that matches 80017 of 89070 records. The database has people's names, addresses, what they paid for their house, what tax they paid, etc.

That's very scary. I'm going to write them a letter and let them know that their laundry has been out in the wind a little too long. I guess it's public info, but still a spammer's gold mine.

Comments for: Let Google do your hacking

holy shit

Posted by toddler at March 4, 2003 3:05 PM

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