Alert sounds

I don't know why, but I went looking for a WAV file of that buzzing phone in the movie Brazil. I know this might sound shocking, but I couldn't find one. That's a tragedy what needs rectifying.

I popped in the DVD and recorded the phone noise on the downstairs laptop. It's right here. It's only about 4 seconds long, but you could loop it easy enough. I bet it'd work swell on a cell phone. Better than, say Sir Mix-A-Lot not lying about big butts.

On a somewhat related note, I recently installed Eudora. I guess I wanted to see what it was like two years later. Not that different, but I wound up using it for a couple days. During that time, I changed my incoming mail alert sound to Morse code. I got the morse from a site called WWW Morse Code Generator. That particular snippet of Morse means "new mail". Clever, I know.

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