It's because I'm a joiner

I joined the International Registry of Large Congenital Melanocytic Nevi and Neurocutaneous Melanosis. Something with a name that incomprehensible just has to be joined. I put my info in, hit submit. Maybe they can get some use out of it.

That's a pretty scary form, though. I've never seen an oncologist, and I never want to. Apparently lots of people have complications so I guess I've been lucky. I'm especially glad I probably dodged that whole "mutant brain tissue" thing. And I'm really glad I didn't need rectal nevus surgery. That's gotta suck. Still, this is something which is more than a little depressing. Poor kids. They won't be smiling when they grow up...

Guess which conference I'll never be attending? Yeesh.

What is with my unintentional fascination about medical disorders lately? Maybe I'm feeling my mortality, what with a birthday approaching.

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