Bill Gates came to speak at my workplace today. I had zero urge to see him or hear him talk, the trollish multi-billionaire. The man is a vampire. He is to the computer literate as ripple is to a hobo. He's the Jim Jones of the computer age. You can tell who drank his kool-aid by the "innovation" gibberish they spew. Name one product MicroSoft has actually developed all by themselves. I dare you.
He offers "to devote a lot of money to research and develop new products and technologies", but that's a Faustian bargain . "Innovation can be co-opted; anyone will sell out -- or else." That should be their message. MicroSoft exists only to take over the world. If you don't believe that you either hold or you're a prostitute who wants a job. Nobody with even a single scruple would work for MicroSoft.
The dude with the pie had the right idea.