The man in the sky will help us!

If you want to support out President and our country, don't bother with this nonsense. That has got to be one of the silliest things I've seen in a long time. I thought it was a joke, but I guess they're serious. If you want to help the US, just pay your taxes, vote during elections and try to be a good person. Citizenship makes no mystical requirements of its participants.

If someone really wanted to help the country, they'd figure out a way to keep jobs from leaving country. The US is going to have service industries and entertainment as its only domestic products before too long. In honor of this "momentum" I decided to play a little Ravi Shankar.

Comments for: The man in the sky will help us!

Holy shit. If I were a Christian I'd be offended at the implication that I was just one of the flock of passive opinionless sheep trusting in Bush and his old boys network to safely herd us in the direction of prosperity and peace while we complacently chew our cud and pray. Feh.

Posted by Tess at June 20, 2003 11:49 AM

Christ on a crutch. What next...

Posted by suzi at June 20, 2003 8:45 PM

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