Yes, but imagine the pictures are Scratch-n-Sniff.

A former co-worker named Chipman sent me a couple links in email just now. And if it's from Chippy, you know it's not run-of-the-mill nastiness. He always has the best nasty. I don't know where he finds some of his stuff. He makes Fark look pedestrian sometimes.

He sent me two links about Balut, a Filipino delicacy I had thankfully never heard about. The second link included eating directions (scroll down to the last paragraph).


I think that actually writing down any of the dozens of thoughts floating around in my head right now could, at very best, be considered an uncharitable commentary of the culture of our citizens from South Seas. Didn't mom always tell you, "If you don't have anything nice to say..."? She said that to me more than once. So instead of indicting myself further by prattling on about the weirdness other people of the world ingest, I'll leave you with just two words: "Balut Farts".

Comments for: Yes, but imagine the pictures are Scratch-n-Sniff.

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