Wanna be a spook locksmith?

Now this job posting at the CIA's web site is odd. Why do they need locksmiths? I bet that would be a cool job, now that I think about it. Speak softly and carry a large slim jim.

Comments for: Wanna be a spook locksmith?

Can you just imagine the background check they would put you through?

Posted by sck at July 10, 2003 1:22 AM

Yeah, it'd be pretty intensive. I'd probably pass, though. I don't have a criminal record, don't use drugs, yada yada yada. My brother in-law just got his super secret squirrel clearance, and from what he said it's not all that bad. They went and talked to his high school chums, sure, but he had nothing to hide.

But I also don't know squat about locks, and I don't want to move to DC. And I don't want a job with the CIA. So it's kind of a moot point.

Posted by wee at July 10, 2003 9:29 AM

Not a "woot" point, huh?

Posted by suzi at July 10, 2003 10:47 PM

No, not really. Now if I *became* a locksmith for the CIA, then it'd be w00t city. Maybe.

Posted by wee at July 13, 2003 12:49 PM

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