This is sad... or funny

I can't decide if this IRC chat log is sad or funny. I admit to laughing, but I also feel bad for the guy. I mean, forcing a restart is one thing. Deleting files is something else altogether. Sad.

Naw... it's funny.

Comments for: This is sad... or funny

Trudy thinks that is totally cruel!!! Not funny at all... just shows typical arrogant humans, they get a tiny bit of knowledge and abuse it as far as they can.

Trudy the Monkey

Posted by Trudy at July 18, 2003 8:40 PM

It is kind of mean to prank the newbie... but hopefully the newbie, instead of sitting there saying "Buh?" and drooling all over his keyboard in mystification at what's just happened to him, will go to Google and look up what they told him to do - and thus will gain enlightenment and take one more baby step toward non-newbie status. Knowledge is power!

Posted by Tess at July 21, 2003 9:08 AM

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