Are there such things as clown historians?

I recently came across the Stalin vs. Hitler online comic again, and noticed something in panel 10: Adolph Hitler's last name wasn't Hitler. He changed it. That got me curious about Hitler, and a search led me to a page called The psychology and development of Adolph Hitler Schicklgruber. I have no idea how much of what is written there is true, but it's an interesting read. He certainly has a lot of sources. But the layout and design... they just scream "Stop reading! Crackpot!" It's conflicting.

In all fairness I have to say that is one of the funniest sites I've ever been to. They have yaks, for crying out loud. As awards, I mean. Even the colour key is amusing. And I really wish there were some writings about abelard's conversations with the good fairy. This is ground-breaking stuff, and not just for the site's extensive (and mostly exclusive) use of color as meta-information.

I wound up exploring the site for quite some time. It's sites like that which make me love the Internet. You used to have to get stuff like this through the mail.

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