My cell phone just rang, and when I answered it (a rarity for me since the phone is either off or in my car or both) I got an earful from a very pissed off fellow. He was not phoning nicely. Luckily, it was a wrong number. Kinda.
Near as I can figure out, at some point in the recent past moved offices, and by doing so changed their number. Their new number is one digit off from that of my cell phone. I used to get the occassional call, and I didn't sweat it. My home phone is one digit off from the local Domino's Pizza, and that's way more annoying (although it can be fun if I happen to be in a spiteful mood).
The problem is that in the last two months, the call volume I've been getting to that "wrong" number has increased substantially. I get very irate calls filling up my voicemail box. I've been getting a lot of calls for that lawyer guy. Some of them are pretty angry, too. A lot of people want to know why "I" haven't called them back or why "I" wasn't at some place or the other. They start bitching pretty much as soon as I say hello. Every once in a while I can get a question in edgewise through their hate speech. I did so just a few minutes ago and I think I know what's going on.
Come to find out, a few months ago one of the lawyers there started giving people my number instead of his. Yeah: the lawyer got his own number wrong, and I'm getting calls. Whether the lawyer got his number wrong on purpose is a matter I'll leave to the angry dude that I just hung up with. Although judging from the increase in not-so-nice phone calls for this lawyer, I just might suspend impartiality and side with him on the issue. The guy who just called swears he was given my number. Other callers have said the same thing. It does seem awfully coincidental.
So I guess my only recourse is to call the law offices and tell them that they might want to double check their number before they give it out to people. I just hope they haven't printed up business cards with my number or something. Although... Is it a crime to impersonate a lawyer over the phone?
Only if you bill them for the call....
Posted by suzi at August 20, 2003 8:57 PM"Is it a crime to impersonate a lawyer over the phone?"
Yes. And all things considered, they'd nail you to the wall with identity theft charges as well...
happy happy thoughts....
Posted by toddler at August 25, 2003 5:47 PM