AT&T can help you make your own Middle Earth movie, right in your own home! Just go to their Text-to-Speech Interactive Multi-Lingual Demo page. Now enter something appropriate in the text box. I thought this sounded pretty good:
The world is changed. I feel it in the water. I feel it in the earth. I smell it in the air. Much that once was, is lost, for none now live who remember it.Next, select the voice to use. You want 'Audrey .... UK English'. She's by far the most elfish. Push the "SPEAK" button and record your dialog. Presto! Instant dialog with a fake english accent. And you don't have to encounter even the fainest whiff of patchouli to get the sound bytes. That's an extra bonus, IMO.
While I admit that the concept of impersonating an elf (or your average sexually ambiguous non-bather from Seattle with a British affectation) is fascinating, I had a much better time having 'Reiner .... German' say stuff like "Vee want zeh money Lay-bow-skee! Give uss zeh money, or we'll cut off your johnson." (Yes, even though Reiner is supposedly German, you have to spell out the dialog in "Hun fashion" like a Sherwood Schwartz script.) Hey, at least I kept it rated PG. I mean, I didn't completely devolve into base humor...
And 'Alain .... French'? Don't even get me started. I didn't even make it to opening Google in a new window before I realized George Bush's State of the Union address was just too obvious. But working within their 36 word limit was just too much of a constraint to keep my interest from waning, and so I leave the TTS system for another day.
I tried to get the French chick to say, "Americans are filthy pigs - I love them!", but it came out weird. Damned French - can't even read plain text without being difficult...
Posted by Tess at September 30, 2003 12:25 PM