How dumb are you?

So after scoring the lowest score possible for a young person alive but not in a coma during during the 80's on the music test over on Tess' page (I got 31.85; Tess got in the 140's), I was glad to see that Mig had a test linked on his site which might allow me to bandage my wounded psyche:

How DUMB are you? Brought to you by the good folks at

I thought the test itself was pretty amusing. I got the same result as Mig (an honor). But that meant it has the picture of that nerd who kinda looks like me (not so much an honor). I need a test that lies to me.

Comments for: How dumb are you?

Hee hee... always glad to help out. :)

Good to see they didn't sucker you with that trick question either. I almost answered that one wrong by answering too fast, but quickly saw what they'd done.

Posted by Miguelito at November 4, 2003 8:48 AM

Yeah, that one seemed funny.

Posted by wee at November 4, 2003 9:12 AM

Whew - I'm 0% dumb too. Keepin' 'em fooled for 32-1/2 years - w00t!

Posted by Tess at November 4, 2003 8:21 PM

I am also no percent dumb. I always suspected I might be scary smart.

(That's a lie. I always suspected I was scary. But a genius is allowed to lie with impunity, right?)

Posted by suzi at November 5, 2003 10:59 PM

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