I want my damn money back

I'm sure everyone has seen this article by now. It's an interview with Red Hat's CEO which says in part:

Matthew Szulik, chief executive of Linux vendor Red Hat, said on Monday that although Linux is capable of exceeding expectations for corporate users, home users should stick with Windows: "I would say that for the consumer market place, Windows probably continues to be the right product line," he said. "I would argue that from the device-driver standpoint and perhaps some of the other traditional functionality, for that classic consumer purchaser, it is my view that (Linux) technology needs to mature a little bit more."

I used my Red Hat Network (their service you use when you pay for support) account to email their sales/customer service folks. I asked for my money back.

Check out this blurb from Red Hat's press release announcing Red Hat 9:

Red Hat's community-based distribution became an option for home computing with the introduction of the BluecurveTM graphical interface in 2002. In Red Hat Linux 9, we've refined the installation and interface, adding new tools and applications for end users," said Brian Stevens, vice president of Operating Systems Development at Red Hat. "The result is an open source desktop operating system that is flexible and simple to use for mainstream technology enthusiasts.

So Red Hat's CEO admits that he has, over the course of many years, knowingly and intentionally sold me and others an inferior product unsutiable for its stated purposes. That's bullshit. He's been plenty happy taking my money for the past 6 years. Last January, Red Hat 9 was perfect for the desktop. This month, it isn't? I'm sure this has nothing to do with Red Hat discontinuing their commercial version of Linux.

I smell class action.

Comments for: I want my damn money back

that should be 'non commercial' junior...unless you mean commercial as 'non enterprise' or 'not free'.

And yes, I smell class action as well. I will say that a certain project of mine may be turned back up...I wonder how OpenAFS will build on Gentoo...

/me ponders

Posted by toddler at November 5, 2003 12:32 AM

I mean 'non-enterprise' when I say 'commercial'. The Red Hat you'd buy in stores, in other words. And then that you could pay a fee to Red Hat every year for support. That one. The one universities across the country install and pay support for. The one geeks use at home and "migrate" into the workplace. The one that in some areas means "Linux". That one that nobody knows what will happen to.

Lemme know if you want help with that project. I can offer reasonable consulting rates for Fortune 100 companies.

Posted by wee at November 5, 2003 12:40 AM

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