tess, Toddler, Wy and I all had a great trip to AZ for a Thanksgiving in PHX, plus a shooting trip at the cabin. Todd and Wy liked the shooting quite a bit, and we all had a really fun time. (Pics and movies of them shooting Uncle John's .50BMG rifle are coming soon.) The shooting trip got me to thinking about going shooting in California (which sounds oxymoronic, I know). Tracy and I only went one time, and that was back in the late 90's. I was thinking that it would be fun to go out sometime closer to home.
Well, this was certainly interesting reading. I also got a particular kick out of this page of general "Assult Weapon Characteristics". Sounds like they could also be describing some defense weapons too, but I might just be thinking too clearly.
hehe, state of the baddass art. Absolute hoot with one of the coolest families I've met, my own included...
thanks again folks!
Yea, the Rhodes "compound" is quite the experience. I'm jealous though; you got to go up to the cabin, too. :)
Glad you had a good time over TG. It was quiet here...
Posted by gjb at December 2, 2003 6:46 PMBang howdy, pardner!
Posted by Tess at December 2, 2003 11:08 PM