The department chair for the school at the university where I work just came by my office. Dressed as Santa. With a gift in an envelope. On the back of the envelope were two checkboxes, apparently reflecting the recipient's status on Santa's List. It would seem that I've been "naughty". Heh heh. Yeah. Naughty like a fox...
I got a $60 AmEx gift card for anything at UTC (a local mall). Not too shabby. Ain't no turkey, though. :-)
Moh-erry Christmas! It's nice to know that Santa keeps an accurate list.
While you're correct in that a gift card is not nearly as unique a bonus as a frozen bird carcass, I'm sure you'll find good use for it... Do I smell a visit to Electronics Boutique in your future?
Posted by Tess at December 19, 2003 4:36 PMYou can actually use that AmEx gift card at any place that accepts AmEx. Go ahead, try it.
Merry Christmas & God Bless,