From the "Oh Shit..." files

When a circuit interrupter at a utility substation fails, what happens to the 2000 amps of 500KV AC current running through it? Why, a big-assed electrical arc 3 stories tall is what happens.

Comments for: From the "Oh Shit..." files

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Posted by wee at January 26, 2004 11:33 AM

Awesome clip. Glad there is sound with it. I like the "woot!" someone shouts out at the end.

Posted by Pete at January 26, 2004 12:15 PM

Wow. That does nothing to assuage my deeply-held fear of all things electrical. But it looked mighty cool...

Posted by Tess at January 26, 2004 1:17 PM

Yeah, I just kept hitting play every time it stopped, watching it over and over. It would have been cool to see it live, feel the hair on your arms stick up. Big electricity is terribly cool.

I once had lightening bolt hit about 10-15 yards away from me during a monsoon in AZ (it hit a streetlight). It stunned me. I felt lightheaded, and my skin felt like I was being simultaneously poked with a billion 1/64 inch long needles and massaged by a billion tiny fingers. I just sorta walked around in little circles for a couple minutes in this odd, angrily euphoric state. Then the manager of the Carl's Jr. came running up to me asking if I was ok. Dude ruined it. I remember being angry with him. I guess from the restaurant's vantage point, it looked the bolt struck me.

There's my lightening story. When I saw the video, I sorta wondered if the guys there had a similar "electric skin" feeling.

Posted by wee at January 28, 2004 1:06 AM

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