A new record

It took me 103 minutes to drive home from work today. My odometer says that I work 11.2 miles from home. 11.2 miles in 103 minutes. It boggles the mind why I continue to live here.

The cause for my lengthy and blood-pressure raising trip? Some light rain and the average Californian's complete fucking inability to understand the phrase "Do not block intersection". Yuppie assholes.

Me and one of the roadway 'tards had a lengthy "discussion" on the way home tonight after he ran a red light (it'd been red for over a minute) and tried to get in front of me by squeezing in between two lanes full of cars. I swear if I had had a baseball bat there'd be one less white Honda CRV on the road tonight.

Oy, me achin' head.

I'm going to go find my calming place, and be in that space.

Comments for: A new record

Do you know you can get from one point to another in Corvallis in 10-15 minutes? ((((move to Oregon))))You can get to Portland in 103 minutes from here. (((((move to Oregon))))) They have computers in most Oregon cities. ((((move to Oregon)))
If that isn't enough: McMenamins. Lots of 'em.
Oregon- it's not just a stae, it's a stae of mind.
(I made that up and it blows. Move to Oregon.)

Posted by suzi at February 19, 2004 9:22 PM

State. State. argh.

Posted by suzi at February 19, 2004 9:23 PM

Suzi makes some intriguing points. ;-)

Posted by Tess at February 19, 2004 10:36 PM

The thought of living in Oregon depresses me -- because I don't think it will ever happen. Don't get me wrong. I *want* it to happen, for sure. Ask Tess: I've wanted to live there ever since I spent that one summer there at Tess' tiny little house. But I don't hold on to much hope that it ever will.

I can't find one single job anywhere in OR that fits my skills -- on any of the job boards. That's probably because everyone hires based on who they know. I need to know someone hiring in order to get the good job info, in other words.

Anyone know anyone? :-)

Posted by wee at February 19, 2004 11:49 PM

Hurry up and write some code that you can sell...work for yourself.

Posted by toddler at February 20, 2004 7:48 PM

Or learn another "secret" back way across Miramar rd. :)

Took me 40 mins since I bailed out of Miramar and went through the Mira Mesa route. :)


Posted by Scott C. Kennedy at February 22, 2004 2:11 PM

Sadly, Scott, about half my drive time was spent on Genesee, trying to get to I-5. If I could have somehow avoided that, I'd have made it home about the same time you did. The freeway and Ca-56 sucked, but no worse than usual (eg, I did my usual 20mph in between stop-and-go traffic once I made it there).

The real problem is California.

Posted by wee at February 22, 2004 7:16 PM

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