And in contrast...

It took me 24 minutes to get home from work tonight. I consider that a relatively speedy journey. Way better than 100+ minutes, in any case.

Argh... SoCal...

Comments for: And in contrast...

Now picture that every night...

Posted by suzi at February 22, 2004 11:49 AM

I live 3.6 miles from work. It's about 10 minutes on surface streets. Ahh. Although it's a complete mystery to me why I'm late nearly every day!

Posted by E at February 23, 2004 1:15 PM

My "commute" is 2.5 miles and takes 8-10 minutes. On my way to work, I leave 10 minutes before I need to there, which should be plenty of time, but somehow manage to lose 5 minutes. And if I go to the drive-thru coffee shack- even if I allow an extra 10 minutes- I lose even more. There isn't any extras traffic or anything.
On the way home, the same trip takes 8-10 minutes. I suspect a morning time warp...

Posted by suzi at February 23, 2004 7:20 PM

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