My brother Shawn tipped me off to this company that makes a half-scale, working replica 1919A4 machine gun. It takes .22LR ammo (which runs about $12 for a box of 500), and comes in full or semi-auto models. That's just amazingly cool. You could shoot all day for like fifty bucks. And all night for a hundred! They even offer scaled-down ammo cans, and it feeds ammo via a reusable cloth belt so that you don't have to worry about half-scale links or whatever.
The only way to truly appreciate the thing is to see it in action.
That looks like about as much fun as you can have while still wearing pants. The only thing I'd want more than that is a .22LR M-134 Minigun. And I'd also need a backpack that held 10,000 rounds or so. And a spare battery. And a free weekend with a lot of watermelons.
And here I thought the Tommy Gun would be enough to satisfy your gunny cravings...
Posted by Tess at February 27, 2004 10:09 AMDon't worry, Tess: There's no way I could ever own one of these, as I don't live in a state that would allow it.
Posted by wee at February 27, 2004 11:12 AMWonder if you move to Oregon, could you... would you... own a gun like that?
Not to anger the Seuss nor tie threads together. :)
Posted by Scott C. Kennedy at February 27, 2004 12:11 PMI would own a gun like that. I could own a gun like that. I would own it in a house, I would shoot it at a mouse. I would own a gun like that, rat-a-tat tat-tat.
Posted by wee at February 27, 2004 7:03 PMCould you shoot it in the trees?
Could you shoot it at hippies?
Would the natives hoot and howl
If you schplunked a spotted owl?