Is there a doctor in the house?

So what does it mean when you get really bad headaches centered about an inch behind your left eyeball possibly accompanied by random nosebleeds? Tumor? Sinus infection? Nostril cancer? Really big pollen?

I'm hoping for the Gojira-sized pollen...

Comments for: Is there a doctor in the house?

I'm casting a vote for a combination of allergy- and/or nasal-spray-irritated nasal passages and stress-induced high blood pressure. But I think a call to our good family doc is in order.

Posted by Tess at March 1, 2004 10:45 AM

It's a displaced testicle. From when you got kicked in the groin waaaayy back in college. You were drunk and don't remember.

Posted by E at March 1, 2004 6:12 PM

When in doubt, post it fourteen times? Sorry.

Posted by E at March 1, 2004 6:13 PM

Well, it's a darn good thing I was born with three testicles. I always knew my little extra friend would come in handy -- or come back to haunt me.

Posted by wee at March 1, 2004 6:28 PM

When I see diffuse symptoms like this I always suspect a relatively rare disorder called kuru. You may want to look into this, as it sounds probable in your case.

Posted by T. at March 2, 2004 3:09 PM

Give your nose a Dristan enema? Or you could give it the ol' Neti pot treatment....

Posted by suzi at March 5, 2004 7:41 PM

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