Never thought I'd do this...

I just willingly entered my credit card number on a Russian web site. Yeah, you heard right: they have my number and everything. I'm livin' on the edge, man. I paid them 145.32 Rubles. Five bucks. Now I can download 500 megabytes of MP3s. First up, the soundtrack to The Big Lebowski, in MP3 format at a 192kbps bitrate. Total cost? 72.7 cents. They have a lot of old stuff there too. Why go to all the trouble of digitizing your vinyl when you can get the stuff from a questionably-legal Russian web site for a penny a minute?

I'm pretty sure that I won't be using or the iTunes Music Store very much anymore.

Comments for: Never thought I'd do this...

very cool. I might have to toss Sergei a couple bucks myself.

Posted by The Stoic at July 9, 2004 1:30 PM

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