You just gotta feel bad for this guy

So my Aliens rifle thing (I'm building one; don't ask) led me to this prop-makers message board. It's basically for people who make, sell, and/or buy movie props, but it also features folks who dress up as Yoda and go out in public for no good reason at all. People who think they're elves. People who write fan fiction. That sort. You know the types.

Now, I'm not bagging on people who dress up and go to sci-fi or comic conventions. It takes all kinds. It's just that there's a big difference between owning a halloween costume from one of your favorite movies and making a lifestyle choice out of a fantasy, you know? I've gone to more than a few conventions in my time, and more than a couple of those with a costume. I might go again one day. Still, I couldn't stifle a chuckle at the plight expressed in this poor fellow's post. All he wants is to be Spider-Man. Is that too much to ask? I feel bad for the kid...

The nadir of the geek experience, to be sure.

Comments for: You just gotta feel bad for this guy

>the plight expressed in this poor fellow's post.
...Whose name is masterjedi322. He was the 323rd idiot who had that particular thought and still stuck to it.

Posted by E at July 19, 2004 2:42 PM

Well, he could also have been born on March 22nd...

Posted by wee at July 19, 2004 5:28 PM

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