How cool is this?

Check this Russian motorcycle out. Does't that look funner than hell?

Before the Soviets went to war with Germany in WWII, they decided they needed an offical motorcycle for their armed forces. They studied various designs, and finally settled on the BMW R71. They nabbed a few examples of the motorcycle and completely reverse-engineered them (much like they did with the B-29 Superfortress). And they've been making them ever since.

I don't think there's a way in which one could ride on of these without looking completely goofy, but I also don't think that would stop me. If past history is any indicator, the risk of being a dork hasn't really been as an effective deterrent for me as it should have been.

I have this feeling that if I get into a mid-life crisis, it's going to be really, really bad. Did you know that you can buy an armored personnel carrier over the Internet? Talk about your ultimate camper...

Comments for: How cool is this?

Entries like this make me uneasy.

Posted by Tess at August 3, 2004 11:14 AM

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