Got Slashdotted again

Linux on a used cash register, part deux. Had quite a bit of mail about it, too. Seems there's quite a few folks that have old registers and want to use them with non-Windows (or non-SCO, AIX, whatever).

It's sad that I have to tell those guys that I never finished that point-of-sale software thing I started, and that the old cash register has been doing triple duty as a web server, remote login server, and weather station.

My work on getting the led-on-a-stick™ has been well-received, however. I've already sent out two tarballs of sample code.

Comments for: Got Slashdotted again

You are a scary genius guy.

Corvallis humidity 87%? Must have been raining.

Posted by Suzi at August 28, 2004 10:21 PM

Well, thank you, Suzi. I always wanted to be more Doc Brown and less Marty McFly. I'm not always successful.

Posted by wee at September 12, 2004 1:59 AM

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