I'm "Firepower Proof"!

I got an email from the guys doing the screenprinting for that t-shirt I idea I had. They said that they were going to send me an email that had a sample of what it would look like, etc. Here's what it will look like in case you're curious. Their email had a subject of: "Bill Rhodes firepower proof". I almost deleted it as spam without even reading it. I did a little double take and realized what it was.

I thought that was an amusing subject line in a "Describe yourself as an anime superhero" sort of way. If I was feeling more creative, I'd make a little "What kind of _____ are you?" type of script. Then you'd get people who would become "John Doe inflatable pants" and "Tracy Rhodes aluminum bender" and so forth.

Comments for: I'm "Firepower Proof"!

OK, so now I'm going to be screening my spam subject lines for my superhero name... =)

Posted by Tracy at September 28, 2004 8:39 AM

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