Halloween 2004 passes with great merriment

The third (and likely last) annual Halloween party went off ok, in spite of the conspicuous absence of Tess (and the her sibling, in-law and nephew). The World Famous dogs were a hit, as were the margaritas, of which nearly 5 gallons were consumed. That's amazing when you consider the generally low turn-out this year. I had only one small sip when tasting the initial mix; tequila's not really my thing. Without Todd and Wy I'd have never been able to make it. Wy's mad decorating skillz made for a really spooky atmosphere. I'll post pics later.

And in the spirit of "it's not a party unless something gets broken", I wound up fracturing the middle finger on my left hand, right by the middle joint. It hurt Saturday night and felt weird Sunday, but then again every time I've broken something I could never tell until the next day whether it was cracked or merely abused.

Add to the ER visit the memories of the random (non-married) couple who (probably) hooked up in our 2nd guest bedroom, and I'd say the party was a rousing success! Two scoops!

Comments for: Halloween 2004 passes with great merriment

Sounds like I would have given it three big thumbs up! Sorry I missed it.

So, Wee, the burning question here is... how'd you break it?

Posted by E at November 2, 2004 7:32 AM

Would have been nice to have you there, E.

A friend came as Goldmember, including spray-painted rollerskates. Not five minutes from my questioning the wisdom of drinking while on skates, we were on the ground. He fell on my hand (I think the toy gun he had landed on top of my hand).

He fell a lot that night; I heard he has quite the collection of bruises. Oddly, the time he fell on me was when he was picking on another guy (in jest) and I "intervened". Who would have thought that when you pull on a guy wearing skates, he rolls really easily? He's a smaller guy, and I might have grabbed him a little harder than I should have. Sometimes I forget that I'm stronger than I think I am.

Oh yeah: the girl involved in that late-night tryst is in fact married. But not to the guy who stayed that night.

Posted by wee at November 3, 2004 12:25 AM

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