My last entry wasn't totally accurate. Or lacked information. Or both. What have I really been up to? I've been getting a new job. A new-new job, I mean.
I can't really talk about my work or my company very much, but in a nutshell I took this latest job to help get some proof-of-concept stuff done, help out with some automation here and there, and bring some online advertising geek experience to the table. I do a little of whatever, basically, and lately I've been helping get the company sold (like the rest of the folks, you just do whatever needs doing; I'm fine with merely sitting there if that's what it takes to keep the process moving forward). Later this year is when I start doing some real heavy duty work, and I'm looking forward to it very much. It's nice to stretch yourself mentally. Makes you feel alive...
I didn't mean to be so cagey about my work the past couple months, but I've been more than a little reluctant to say or write much of anything about what I do, for obvious reasons. Since I tend to write about my life, and much of that life either is or has been taken up by work, I have little to say anyway -- even if I had the gumption to write anything. But I won't be talking about my new job at all here (or anywhere else, most likely). I want to keep a record of the move to San Jose/Santa Clara/Sunnyvale/who-knows-where, though, so the non-work stuff I'll write down for sure. That way the San Diego, Phoenix and Oregon folks can read the happenings if they want to. I'm sure Tracy will write down all sorts of good stuff, like she's been doing with Indy and the recent bout with diabetes.
Anyway, there's the big news.
UPDATE: We got slashdotted today.
For the record, feel free to refer to Bill from now on as, "Noogler". Or just "The Noog". Or "El Noogerino", if you're not into the whole brevity thing.
Posted by Tracy at March 28, 2005 11:18 PMI can't believe you left out "The Noogie".
Every time I google, I'll think of you guys. Sniff. And wait for Google to make a move to Portland.
Posted by suzi at March 29, 2005 7:25 PM