Ever wonder what kind of boots Indiana Jones wore?

For no real reason at all, Tracy and I watched Raiders of the Lost Ark last night during dinner. And also for no real reason at all, I remarked, "Indiana Jones had some really cool boots. I've always wanted a pair..." Did you ever notice Indy's boots? I did. I have a thing for practical footwear, and have always liked plain leather boots, sans space-age materials. Just... boots. Indy had good boots, and so I noticed.

Now thanks to the wonders of the Internets, finding the company that made Indy's boots is about as easy as falling off a log. An added bonus? They aren't props. They're real, working, high-quality boots.

Another bonus is that Alden has a store in San Francisco. And I'm going to be living near San Francisco. That means I can actually drive up there and try a pair on if I want, and see if they'll fit my dual-sized, strangely shaped feet. (I can never buy footwear via mail-order or through the Web, since I'll never know if they'll fit comfortably. Hasn't stopped me from trying, though...)

Yeah, they're a little on the pricey side, but my dad always said "Never buy cheap boots". And father knows best, right?

Comments for: Ever wonder what kind of boots Indiana Jones wore?

I think Wee, he love the footwear...

Posted by suzi at April 12, 2005 10:14 PM

I think that, for Wee, finding the right boots (or jacket) is like me finding the right purse - a rarely-attained but ever-hopeful quest.

Posted by Tracy at April 19, 2005 11:40 PM

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