Henry Earl on Fark again

About a year ago, someone submitted my Henry Earl Stats Page to Fark. Someone submitted it again last night.

Server's still holding up well. Check this out:

That's a true Farking right there. We're at about 60,000 visits in the last 22 hours. Kinda cool to watch it happening.

In other news, Henry Earl now has his own Firefox extension, thanks to a guy named Nick from TotalFark. He wrote it up a few months ago, but couldn't get a hold of me. I've been meaning to write a Henry extension for a while now. In fact, that's how the RSS feed came about. I was going to have my extension get data from that, and give out XML to aggregators at the same time. But work and such got in the way, and I never got very far on that project. So big thanks to Nick for hacking it up for us!

Comments for: Henry Earl on Fark again

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Posted by Donald Trump at July 23, 2005 12:53 AM

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