Not Funny! Serious!

I was moving some stuff across servers and noticed that I had a 2GB access log for the last 6 weeks. That's, well, kinda friggin' huge. Wonder why? Turns out that a couple nimrods set their Henry Earl Firefox extension to update once a second. Assholes. I update the source XML file that that extension reads once per night. So once a second isn't nice. The firewall has them blocked.

But as I was looking through the log stats for other leeching, I saw a lot of bandwidth from Yahoo. Buh? Apparently somehow I have on my web site. Hmmph!

I guess it is kinda funny. But not as funny as the one I'll make when my Greasegun arrives sometime next month. How many people do you know who have even held a Greasegun, much less owned one?

Comments for: Not Funny! Serious!

Not funny.

Posted by foo at May 25, 2005 4:00 PM

Greasegun, eh? OK... =)

Posted by Tess at May 26, 2005 2:06 PM

Uh, well, yeah, maybe. :-)

Posted by wee at May 26, 2005 9:32 PM

BTW.. your thing that checks for updates broken? Or has he really been in jail for over a month this time? If he has, gonna skew those stats.. :)

Posted by Miguelito at July 6, 2005 5:54 PM

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