The demons, they give me no rest

I had this song in my head all day, from when I woke up until about 5 minutes ago. Everyone gets a song in their head once in a while I guess, but this one wouldn't go back to where ever it came from. I just kept humming it all day long, not knowing how it got there.

And that part is more disturbing than the fact that I must have hummed it like 450 times today: I didn't hear on the radio in the car, it wasn't in a movie I watched the night before, it wasn't playing on the clock radio when my alarm went off, nothing. As far as I know, I hadn't heard the song for years. In fact, I didn't even know what song it was! It was driving me crazy! All I knew was the general tune and a few words from some chorus, which was what was looping in my head all day: .

Now, I think, if you're at or above the age of 40, you know the full gravity of my predicament. The song that just would not leave my skull all day was in fact Do You Feel Like We Do by Peter Mothergrabbin' Frampton.

I needed it out but bad. I was having flashbacks of Big Surf circa 1976. What to do? I tried listening to other music, but that hadn't worked all day so a little more would be similarly ineffectual. Reading a book was straight out. My foot kept tapping out tiny autonomic beats, completely of it's own accord. Can't use a drill. All my bits are in San Diego.

For lack of anything else to try, I wound up buying the the whole album off the Russians for $2.20. Forty-two minutes and forty-five seconds worth of listening later, it's finally gone.

Some demons need to be exorcised just so.

Comments for: The demons, they give me no rest

Ever see "High Fidelity" staring John Cusack?
I don't know if she's really singing it or not, (She probably is) but Lisa Bonet covers that song pretty good. And she looks hot doing it.

/Lisa Bonet: I'd like a piece of yo' day

Posted by Trent Steel at July 13, 2005 4:41 AM

"Baby, I Love Your Way" was the song Bonet did in "High Fidelity". Framptastic.

Don't you delete that album. my iPod is screaming out for some solid gold 70's arena rock.

Posted by Tess at July 13, 2005 5:10 PM

Step AWAY from the 70's music. You've been known to use it as a weapon.

Posted by E at July 13, 2005 5:48 PM

No worries, Frampton will live in your head soon.

Speaking of 70's music, I also grabbed Rattus Norvegicus by The Stranglers. Peaches!

Posted by wee at July 14, 2005 4:39 PM

Wee- try having "Memories" from the musical "Cats" trapped in your cranium, but- big twist- as sung by David Letterman. "Midnight, and the kitties are sleeping..." (Actually, Babs Streisand singing it would be immeasurable worse.) {((shudder}))

E- leave off on Tess and those 70's sounds. She is a product of her childhood environment, ie sharing a room with an older sister who dug America & Billy Joel & Cheap Trick. But she can kick a$$ at 70's music trivia, I bet. Not a skill to be overlooked.

Posted by suzi at July 15, 2005 12:59 AM

Two words:
Weaponized Fogelberg.

Posted by E at July 16, 2005 3:35 AM

Above 40? Above... 40? Try 29. I have it vinyl. And yes, it has been lodged in the inner workings of the cranium before. Then again, so has "Ding Dong The Witch Is Dead" so apparently that doesn't mean much.

Posted by S at July 16, 2005 6:34 AM

Correction of typo: "I have it ON vinyl." And purchased for .25 no less.

Posted by S at July 16, 2005 6:38 AM

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