Alton invents an oven

Who knew Alton Brown was an inventor? True! He helped invent a new oven. And they make a black model, too.

Very nice...

Comments for: Alton invents an oven

I do confess, the thing is cool. And a bargain at the low, low price of $2,200! ;-)

Posted by Tracy at September 25, 2005 5:55 PM

Usually I hate when people sell out, (Cough Emeril Cough) But two years ago Alton went to GE Labs and give talks about food to their inventors, so I'll cut him some slack for now. But once I start seeing Alton Brown cookware, er, then my admiration will probably diminish.

Check out this interview for more details on Alton:

Posted by Trent Steel at September 26, 2005 4:18 AM

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