If you ever find yourself the recipient of the Evil Eye when out in public, get yourself some magical string and be protected! Or, just take a shower and stop wearing patchouli and then maybe people will stop scowling in your presence, you smelly hippie.
Seriously, are there really people who believe this shit? Though I have to admit, there's something really appealing about fleecing new age morons by selling them $20-a-yard yarn. These are the same people who drink animal water and believe that life force energy somehow exists. They probably also take metaphysical advice from their cats and believe in (and buy!) pyramids. Honestly, sixty bucks for a nine inch wide wire pyramid? That's $10 a foot! For wire! Man, I really wish I could get me some of that hippie cash. I know where to get wire. And wire's cheap, too.
Some people might wonder how these new age hucksters sleep at night, but I think it's a really righteous burn, picking on the mentally disadvantaged like that.
So what? Yeah, I am heavily into Squirrel Medicine! Just because you don't understand, you don't have to make fun of me.
You really ought to spend less time criticizing and more time getting rid of the phlogiston in and around your house!
Posted by T. at October 2, 2005 12:02 PMSlow down just a second there, Bill. I quote the following from the "animal water" site:
"Essences also contain distilled water and a small amount of organic brandy (20%)"
Brandy, eh? There is most definitely something to that animal water. Drink enough of anything with brandy in it, and I have no doubt that you will be able to "hearken the spirit of the deer" or at the very least have a Sasquatch sighting.
Posted by Shane at October 2, 2005 7:04 PM