Are you a hippie?

I am the anti-hippie, I shoot hippies for fun!.
Score: -201
I am the anti-hippie,
I shoot hippies for fun!
Take the "Are you a Hippie?" Test

Apparently, I am not in the market for magical string. But I have to admit that was one of the easiest tests I've taken so far!

Comments for: Are you a hippie?

The test says I'm Establishment. Growing up in Oregon gave me a certain tolerance for the flower-powered, but I admit that I do hates me some patchouli. Blrrrrgh.

Posted by Tracy at October 5, 2005 5:42 PM

Establishment here too..

I think they should've had an option for the "Did you vote for Reagan" question along the lines of "No, but I wasn't old enough to vote yet, but would have." Or something along those lines. Unless they ignored that question if you said you weren't alive in the 60's it would give a slight hippie angle (I assume) for answering No even though it was due to not being old enough to vote.

Posted by Miguelito at October 9, 2005 5:11 AM

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