Islam's Imperial Dreams

Islam is an alien society to me. I have a hard time getting my head around how a large group of people can be so fundamentally religious that every part of their society -- including its leaders and its laws -- is based solely on religious ideas. I reckon that it takes either absolutely deep conviction or blind ignorance to throw everything you have (including your very life) to the will of some intangible notion of a god and its supposed will as interpreted by its devoted (yet mortal) followers. I'll never be that pious. I'm not sure if that's necessarily a good thing or not, but deep down I just can't get past the power grab that always seems to come from being the incarnate arbiter of god's will. Though at some level, you have to respect devotion of such magnitude. They have nothing if not a sense of devotion.

I figured that I knew as much as any Westerner about the what makes Islam seem so... angry. I know what the difference is between Sunnis and Shi'ites, and I know why they will never really get along with one another. (Shi'ites lost their true religious leader way back in 931 AD. Osama the Sunni is freshly pissed off about the outcome of the World War I and the demise of the Ottoman Empire.) What I didn't know was why pretty much all Muslim groups seem to be singularly united in that they are looking forward to the demise of Western Civilization.

That's doubtless a very blanket statement, and I feel a little unwilling to paint an entire religion (or, ah, culture) with such a fanitcal brush. Maybe it's Western media, but it's hard to escape the notion that there are large numbers of Muslims who would like to see Europe, and the U.S. in particular, gone.

So I found this story, Islam's Imperial Dreams, very engrossing reading.

Turns out that it's not just because we're heathens (well, that does play a part in it, I guess). It's because they're upset that they still don't have a caliph in Spain. They're upset that their conquer of Europe was stopped by the Franks. They're mad that their dream of a worldwide, theistic hegemony was finally put out of its ailing misery not long after Ferdinand got shot.

Put short: There's a fairly significantly vocal group of Muslims who want to rule the world, and we're standing in their way.

It's not religious conviction, desire for god's glory, land for their people, or any other altruism that's feeding this desire. It's greed. Pure, unabashed greed. These vocal few hate us because they want what we have, and want to kill us to get it. They want to do this under a religious banner of "Convert Or Die". And given that under their religion (which effectively means "in their society") one can be put to death for apostasy, I'm glad we're in their way; I'd be the first to die. I don't even really believe Mohammed existed (beyond a metaphor), much less that he was a prophet of any sort (you can't be a prophet without a god, right?).

I'll respect anyone right to practice a religion -- until I have to face the prospect of death because of it. That goes solidly against the grain of one of my most important convictions: Do whatever you want, just leave me out of it. So life as a subjugate in a fundamentalist Muslim world would not go well for me, and I'm happy that I live in a society that is somewhat more tolerant (though I suspect that this wouldn't be the case if some fundamentalist Christian types here in the U.S. had their way; these clowns are merely the other side of this same fanatical coin).

At any rate, part of me thought that they hated the Western world because we offended their religious sensibilities or were simply amoral in their eyes. Now I realize that I was giving them too much credit. They're merely hiding behind religion, and using it as a tool to further their greedy ambitions -- just like everyone else has been doing for thousands of years. That really doesn't elevate them much beyond the level of common thuggery. Or televangelism.

I kind of feel sad for the jihadists now. I mean, it's a land grab, nothing more.

I'm sure not every Muslim in the world is wringing their hands in anticipation of watching hordes of Westerners being put to the sword in the town square, but those guys burning American restaurants because of a few Danish cartoons haven't really got everything screwed down tight upstairs, if you get my drift. And I'm pretty sure that Ahmadinejad's wanting Israel to be "wiped off the map" isn't exactly a fringe notion. Iran elected the man president, after all, so he has to have popular support. Whether that's tacit approval for a plan to nuke Israel might be too much of a stretch, but I have to believe that the people knew who they were electing -- and what direction his geopolitical ideas ran towards.

So it could be a few vocal (and/or violent) bad apples spoiling the barrel. But it's interesting to know where they're coming from when they do stuff like blow up a bus or crash a couple planes into a few buildings or kill over 100 people because of an off-hand comment about Mohammed and women in bikinis. You have to try to get your head around to that way of thinking to even begin to understand anything as alien as dying and wanting to kill because of a cartoon or a disparaging remark.

I'm just having a lot of trouble coming to grips with people who have that much religious conviction. Their way of thinking is completely inconceivable to me.

Comments for: Islam's Imperial Dreams

How do you fight a hostile culture whose people, on an individual level, aren't afraid to die - and on a mass level hold bitter grudges over things that happened hundreds, even thousands of years ago? People who cut their childrens' scalps open to commemorate an ancient defeat? Who will sentence a woman to be stoned to death for having the gall to become pregnant from rape, or who think it's OK to rape a woman to punish her brother? These are the things that really stump me - how little value is placed on people's lives, how violence is so commonplace - and yet, we Westerners are the evil ones somehow.

Lands change possession, leaders get conquered, society moves on; but the extremists of the nation of Islam are all Fatal Attraction about it - they just can't let go of the grudge and move on. Would they be better off focusing inward and building a better society, investing in technology, caring for their people? Of course, and nations like Jordan to some extent are trying to do just that - but they're like members of a mafia family that are trying to go straight. It's all just baffling and sad.

Posted by Tess at April 8, 2006 11:08 AM

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