I got to see the Father of the Internet at work

I saw the Father of the Internet at work yesterday. Yeah, for real. He was giving some sort of press conference outside my building. I'm talking about Vint Cerf, obviously.

Today, I got to hear Al Gore speak. For real! He came to talk about his new documentary. He basically went through the next interation of the presentation that was the basis for the film.

I have to say that he really is an engaging speaker. Funny as hell, too. (He introduced himself as "The former next President of the United States".) And the guy's got a darn good grasp on science and a fairly analytic mind. (He was ad-libbing about some slides that he had added to his presentation just that morning to try out on us, and described one chart as depicting "sort of a step function". This wasn't something he had memorized; he knew what he was talking about.)

At one point, he was talking about how much he gives that particular talk, and how each time it's different. He said his favorite time was on a houseboat in Tennesee. He recounts it like this:

So there we were at midnight on a houseboat in the middle of a lake, about 40 drunk rednecks, all completely saturated in Pabst Blue Ribbon. And someone makes the mistake of asking me what I think of global warming. So I opened up my 17'' powerbook and right there on the foredeck went through the entire presentation I'm about give to you here today with them, all still drinking as I went along.

Let me tell you, these people were not primarily Democarats, and not typically aware about environmental concerns. But at the end, they realized the importance of the crisis ahead of us all. After it was over, one of them told me that he never thought about global warming, and said: [In thick "southern" accent] "Well, day-yam... I had no fucking idee-er it was so important..."

Hearing a former V.P of the U.S. drop an f-bomb using a hillbilly accent in front of a few thousand people was very amusing.

His presentation was an eye-opener for sure. He said that one of the main reasons he ran for President was that he believes that it will take policy to effect real change. He said that having someone in the White House aware of the issues and able to act quickly and decisively on them was, he felt, of paramount importance to the entire planet (the U.S. is repsonsible for some 35% of the world's greenhouse gasses, and by Gore's reckoning stands the best chance of showing how real change can make big differences).

There were a few sideways comments about the current administration, and the debt it owes to oil and pharmaceutical companies and the like. Everyone laughed. I felt sort of sad. Our President probably can't spell "global warming", much less think about way to act on it, and here's this guy who's pretty much been devoted to it since 1978 and he never got a shot to "save the world". That's a lofty goal, and I believed him when he said that he felt like he had a moral and social imperative to make life better.

When we got back to the cubes, my coworker was fuming mad. I thought he got bad news on the phone or something. When I asked, he launched into a tirade about how the silver-spoon C student we have for a president is such a sham. Here's this guy that can really engage you mentally and the guy we got instead is basically a high-functioning moron working at the behest of a few influencing businessmen.

But it was a good talk, and I'm glad I got to see him talk. I love the talks at work, and sometimes marvel at the quality of speakers we get. It really is one of the best perks we've got. Heh heh... Yahoo got Tom Cruise and his space-alien antics, we get Al Gore and some really meaty scientific data. Seems about as fair assessment as any of the differences between them and us... :-)

Comments for: I got to see the Father of the Internet at work

Gah, I'm SO envious you got to see Al today! I think it's a little sad that the Gore you saw today wasn't the one that most Americans thought they saw during the 2000 elections.

I've always been a big supporter of Gore, and not just because he was a hottie when he was younger. =) He's brilliant, humanitarian, and his ethics and his priorities are totally in the right place for propelling our nation into a future where technology, science and environmental responsibility are all valued and integrated. Instead, what we got was a dumbfuck, inbred good ol' boy focused on serving the narrow interests of (sorry for all the buzzwords to come) his network of petroleum and mega-corporate magnates - and the neocon elite, many of whom are just as ardent and myopic in their jingoistic manifest-destiny goals on this planet as the Muslims you talked about in the last post.

Still, a part of me felt sort of happy for Gore after he lost - not that it wasn't a shattering event for him, but I think it gave him some freedom too - he'd always been so focused on the gold ring of the Presidency, but having it taken from him allowed him to branch out and do so many other things - academia, business, environmentalism, publishing, and now his own TV network. I can't blame him for declining to go back into the ring politically, as much as we desperately need a leader like him; he's doing a hell of a lot of good, and likely living a life less stressful and more fulfilling, doing what he's doing now.

Posted by Tess at April 7, 2006 6:33 PM

Bill still has the best job of anyone I currently know. Except for the dudes in teh Dutch Bros. coffee shacks.
Tess- I stand in awe of your comment; :jingoistic" and "neocon"? Excellent!

Posted by suzi at April 7, 2006 11:11 PM

Well, you know, Poli Sci major. =)

Posted by Tracy at April 8, 2006 10:14 AM

Well I meant to post about it, Suzi, but Friday was Fifty Cent Word Day. In general, however, one should never use a big word when a diminutive one will suffice.

Posted by wee at April 9, 2006 4:54 PM

I'll try to stick to the one-syllable ones from now on. =)

Posted by Tess at April 9, 2006 6:34 PM

While I am not one for supercilious behavior, sometimes you just have to use the "big" words. Just because.

Posted by suzi at April 9, 2006 9:06 PM

Because they're the best ones for the job. A reader doesn't know the word? Well: http://www.dictionary.com. I think it's just as obvious when someone dumbs down a comment as when they use a big word just to sound smart - and in the former case, they might be accused of being patronizing. Uh, I mean, looking down on the reader.

Guess it's a sore point because I've been made fun of (mocked, derided, ridiculed) a lot for using big words - but it's a combination of being a bookworm and sheer laziness, in that my brain would have to expend more effort to figure out the right diminutive word to suffice than just using the one it wants to use, and it has a hard enough time finding any words as it is (case in point this weekend, when I asked Bill for the "hitty thing" because "hammer" just wasn't coming to me).

OK, that was way too meta - sorry for hijacking the comments, Wee. Um, Gore is great! He knows how to debate! He's lost a little weight! Bush makes him quite irate! (I mean, mad!)

Posted by Tess at April 10, 2006 10:45 AM

Well, I am jealous and I have seen some great people: Nobel prize winners, criminals, Buddy Rich, guys who have been shot 12 times and lived, etc.

I respect Al much more than Tipper, though. And, of course, hindsight seems to have given him 20/20.

More power to him, though. "Huzzah!", I exclaim for the bureaucratic opposition to impending global environmental peril.

Posted by Trey at April 27, 2006 12:35 AM

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