Slashdot is full of retards

Well, about 75% full anyway. Want proof? Try this.

I don't know about anyone else, but I still get pretty darn good results using Google -- and they come up really fast without annoying ads all over the place. The rest of that nonsense I don't know anything about. P/E this, Chinese that... whatever. Use whatever search engine you like and quit your bitching, says I.

Oh, and the motto isn't "Do no evil". It's . There's a difference (besides semantics). I strongly believe in that motto, too.

And that's pretty much all I have to say about that.

Comments for: Slashdot is full of retards

stockpicker_dude_78 has clearly confused Google's business decisions with their Mission Statement of "personally placating, entertaining, and answering soley to 'stockpicker_dude_78' for free. Because he's such a cool dude."

Some people need to get a life, desparately.

Posted by E at May 27, 2006 11:31 AM

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