I've had this idea for a long time that I'd own a boat. Every time I've been on the water, I've loved it. Sail boats, power boats, launches, big cruise ships, I've enjoyed all of it. I like all the special tricks and the little doodads and the different way you have to think when you're on the water. And it's like a little hotel that you can take with you. Hell, I've even had a fun time when it's just staying on board and never leaving the slip.
The trouble is that I've never really known anyone with a boat, so I've never been able to get familiar with it through practice. There's a lot to learn adn I never knew where to start. I've bought a few books, but it gets geting boring when it's so esoteric. But you can't just get in a boat and head out, like with an RV or whatever. So that's been an issue.
I recently came across Club Nautique, and that looks like a perfect way to solve my maritime ignorance issues. In particular, I had my eye on their Basic Cruising Trawler Course.
They take you out for two days in the bay and teach you everything you need to know to skipper a 30 foot yacht. You learn knots, navigation, rules of the road, and a hundred other little conventions that would probably never occur to you. Afterwards, they will let you rent boats from them without having to also rent the captain. That makes it a private trip, and therefore 1200% more fun.
One trip I'd like to take is a weekend cruise up the river to Napa. They also offer a similar trip, but on a bigger boat. I think I'd like to go out on my own for a bit and then when I get good enough, make a 3 day weekend out of it. The idea is that I'll get the course under my belt, charter a bare boat a few times and get to know the bay. Then I'll go on more adventerous cruises. But first, I'll be happy enough just to not get in the way of some big-ass boat loaded with cargo containers or something.
Another course I want to take is the Coastal Navigation Certification one. Take that, get my cert. I'm pretty good with maps from back when I had to make them in school, and the geometry isn't that foreign, so I think it'll be pretty straightforward. Besides, you get to spend 3 days out on the water. Talk about having a fun time learning!
Anyway, Tess and I both signed up for the basic course. Come early August, we'll both be skippers. If we decide that cruising is the thing we like, craigslist has some pretty nice deals on boats...
When we get our certification, I'm SO going to buy one of those white Skipper hats with the gold trim. And insist that everyone refer to me as "Cappy".
I think this is a good way to figure out how feasible our desired pleasure-cruising lifestyle is before we commit to buying a boat. After all, they say the two happiest days in a boater's life are the day he buys the boat and the day he sells it... ;-)
Posted by Tess at July 20, 2006 2:08 PMYou know the classic saying, right?
A boat is just a name for a hole in the water that you pour money into.
Posted by Miguelito at July 25, 2006 12:09 PMY'arr!
Been on lots of boats. Mostly river/lake, but a few ocean goers. Loads of fun...oh, and Mig is right. Is why I'm buying a jetski...
Posted by toddler at July 26, 2006 12:57 AMYeah, it's a money sink. Time sink too. But what hobby isn't? A guy I work with is into cycling. Spends *thousands* on parts and stuff. Another couple guys are into guitars. One dude recently spent $6000 on a particular guitar, and has eyes towards $3000 worth of amp next. Apples and pranges, sure, but it's a question of disposable income. Dave can spend $12K/year on musical equipment easily. It'd be hard to get there in a boat.
I'm projecting 15% of the cost of a boat in maintenance, over 4-5 years, with those costs ballooning towards the end of that period.
I'm not talking investment property here. It's a hobby. Expensive, yeah, but so it is for guys who own timeshares in airplanes, go skiiing every weekend, that sort of thing.